It’s Been Awhile

Dear WordPress,

First and foremost I must apologize. I haven’t been around at all. My job has been keeping me busy and writing and packing for my upcoming trip, but that’s no excuse. I should have written sooner. So for that I am sorry.

There isn’t much new to tell and maybe that’s the real reason I’ve been so distant.

I did just get a blackberry and I’m super excited about it! I haven’t gotten internet and I won’t until July 9th but then I’ll have your app so we can chat all the time.

Tomorrow is payday and my last day of work… I couldn’t be more happy although I will miss some of the kids and some of the teachers. I might go back when I get back from the states just to have something to do, maybe not. It all depends on how I feel but I’m certain I’ll be in need of something to do–even with a blackberry : )

Alright I have to go, I’m working on a story, and trying to see if onenote from Microsoft office works for organizing stories. We’ll see…



A Whole Lot of Something

My Dearest WordPress,

It’s been way to long but I’ve been so busy. I forgot how much time having a job took up. I don’t even work full time but it feels like it.

I don’t have time to write or clean or do nothing–which is my favorite thing of all. No really. I’ve been studying for a test I have to take in September about all this Ecuadorian stuff in Spanish which I’m going to fail. But this weekend I decided I had to catch everyone up on what little has been going on.

First and foremost our new kitty is sick. I don’t know whats wrong with him but we just left him at the vet overnight for observation. He’ll be fine but I hate leaving my kitty there without being with him. It’s like what happened to Alex. We left him there and then he didn’t come home and that’s horrible. But I’m certain that this vet is trustworthy. He’s taken care of Penny so I’m confident.

Speaking of the new kitty. Pedro Jose and I both call him Emerson but in reality he has too many names. I have decided that I really like Aldous Snow so I call him that, while Pedro Jose calls him Memphis Rains. We can’t agree so that’s what happens, he gets 3 names.

Second. I kind of sort of hate my job. No one really knows what they are doing and they run the place completely disorganized and I can’t stand it. Every day they decide to do something different because the other way isn’t working but if you only give one day for things to work then how will it work ever?! I don’t know. When I get back from the states I don’t think I’ll go back and just find a job in a school instead of a daycare. Much more my style.

Third. I haven’t written anything. It’s really depressing. I miss it. I just have no time. I get home and I want to sleep. But I don’t. I play with my kwigies and clean the house a little, maybe watch some tv then Pedro Jose gets home and we hang out and I feel like I fall asleep too early. Usually around 10 which is so ridiculously early for me that I can’t stand it. I miss the days I would go to sleep at 2 and wake up at 8 to write. But when I write I feel like sleep is a waste of time. I miss that.

There isn’t really anything else I can think of but if I do I’ll be sure to let you know. Hopefully it won’t be two weeks before we talk again.

All the best!


Plans for the Week

This week is pretty uneventful but that’s a good thing. I have too much to do at home.

1. The new kitty {whom we decided to call Memphis “Emerson” Rains instead} is still in his separate room but Penny is no longer scared so we will be doing some room switching and face-to-face encounters this week to see how it goes.

2. My new job. I have three months of trial to see if I really have a job or not so I have to do amazing.

3. My housie. It’s a total mess. {Pedro Jose has been studying all week because we have to hand in homework today for all 6 classes and he puts everything off until the last minute}. That leaves me to clean it.

4. Writing! Most important of all I have been neglecting my writing hardcore. I need to get back on track. I have a lot of projects but only two that I’m working on currently. I have to do some editing on “The Secret” and get back to writing the other. With everything that’s been going on I haven’t done much of anything.

a. Finish editing last scene of chapter one

b. Rewrite chapter 2 scenes 1-3

c. Begin writing chapter 2 of “Across the Fallen Leaves”

5. Phone Calls. I have to call my bff this week through skype because we missed our date last week and then call my mom and sister. You never realize how tough it is being away until you’re the one who has to make the phone calls. {I’m use to everyone calling me}

6. Biiiiirthday! My birthday is Friday of this week so I have to plan on doing something with either just Pedro Jose or some of our friends.

7. Don’t let myself forget to enjoy life while I’m at it!

New Loves

Dear WordPress,

How wonderful it is to talk to you again. I’m doing better than the last time we had a chat.

I just wanted to tell you a lot has changed since we first met. I have a brand new kitty, whom we decidedato call Emerson Cole. He is not from a movie but he is a soccer player so that counts as being on TV. We aren’t sure if he gets to stay with us, Penny doesn’t seem to like him that much. You would think with her being the older, more experienced, resident cat he would be the one afraid of her but nope. She’s a big scardy cat and hides so we have put him in a separate room for now until she gets use to the idea.

Also I have a job which hasn’t been true that last two years. My first real day is Monday and I’m not dreading to go like with most jobs. I’m not getting my hopes up though, I’m counting on the fact that it’s new for right now. I love kids though so maybe I’ll love it the entire time I’m there.

We may be moving to the suburbs into a house instead of an apartment. This isn’t really new parse because we haven’t done it yet but we are talking about it.

For this week I’m sure that’s all you need to know, ask if you want to know more.



Things Are Getting Better

Has anyone ever seen the movie “The Postman”? There is one part that me and Pedro Jose always quote. He says, “Things are getting better.” and then I say. “Things are getting better everyday” Great saying right? {Okay so Pedro and I are a little lame. Just go with it}

Pedro quit his job about a month ago and this coming Friday was suppose to be his last day but the boss changed his mind and now he’s staying {we were definitely worried there for awhile because it’s not like I had a job for us to fall back on}

Now  both have jobs and all the I only work part time I still make enough for me. We make a decent amount with Pedro’s salary and we never want for anything {okay so not for food or things like that but things like cell phones and what not we [okay I] want to buy occasionally and can’t}.

Anyway so that’s one reason {that things are getting better} another is because they just called from PAE and we can go and get a new kitty!! {I’m more excited about this news I think} We are going to buy an extra litter box and food bowl tonight and then go pick him up tomorrow. We are actually going to buy the things for girls because Penny Lane {our 2nd cat} is using the things we bought for Alex Mahone {our 1st cat that died} so everything we have is blue {for boys!} so we are going to buy pink {for girls!} or yellow.

Before I ask the next question I should explain. Pedro Jose and I are movie fanatics and because the movies are soooooo cheap here we go at least twice a week to get more. We have probably somewhere around 500 movies. Now then, we name all of our pets with names from movies {and tv shows and soup operas}. For example our two cats, Penny lane {from the song and the movie Almost famous} and Alex Mahone {the tv show Prison Break} and our two horses Delilah {This one we got from the song but had to find it in a movie as well to keep it so the movie Samson and Delilah} and last but not least Jules {my best friends wedding}

For our new kitty {we call kitties kwigis (kwe-g’s) for future reference} we can’t decide on Randall ‘Mephis’ Rains {Gone in 60 seconds} or Sherlock Homes {From, well, Sherlock Homes}. I say Sherlock but Pedro is dead set on Rains.

I though the best way to decide was to see if the kwigi was curious {then we’ll put Sherlock} or… not mean parse but always trying to play with toys that other kwigis are already playing with so like a thief {then Rains}.

What does everyone else think?

New Opportunites

I have a new job!

Okay the word “new” implies that I had an old one {and unless you count the job I had two years ago, before I moved here than that doesn’t exist} which I didn’t but the job is still new.

I’m super nervous. I haven’t had a job in so long and I’ve never had one here in Ecuador so I’m stressed out about it, not about the job itself but for having one.

The job itself is amazing though. Its at a daycare teaching English to 2-4 year-olds. I’ve been an aunt since I was 8 years old and I’ve been babysitting by myself since I was 12.  I have too much experience with kids. You would think I would hate them by now but I LOVE them. {I want at least 3 of my own.}

I start tomorrow. We’ll I kind of started today, I worked the entire time but it was just to see if I could. They hired me so I think I did fine.

I’m studying right now to be an English teacher so at least by the time I’m done with school I’ll have experience and everything.

The best part about the job, however, is that they are okay with my going to the states for a month. Normally they pay the teachers for the months they don’t work but they won’t with me for 1. I don’t have a contract with them and won’t get it until September and 2. I’ll have only been working there two months before I leave. But either way I’m happy to finally have a job here.

It’s nice to be able to write and not worry about work but I’ve missed going out and working. You may hate your job while your doing it but once it’s over you miss it {okay well that depends I guess but you at least miss parts of it I think}. Although to be honest I used to work at a call center and I’ll never do that again {if I don’t have to}.

I’m not sure of the pay yet, the boss said she would talk to me about it tomorrow but the hours are amazing. 8:30-12:30. I love it. I have my afternoons free to write and read and play with my kitty : )


Today we went to PAE which is basically an animal protection center for dogs and cats here in Ecuador. Pedro Jose and I want to adopt another cat for Penny Lane {the kitty we have right now}. I’m going to the states in July and Pedro works so she’ll be alone most of the day so we figured she needed a friend.

Anyway we went and filled out an application. I don’t know why but I expected to be able to take the kitty home right then and there but that just wasn’t the case. They’ll notify us in two days to see if we are approved. I really hope we are approved {How embarrassing would it be to be denied to adopt an animal?} and can bring him home this weekend. 

This will be our 3rd cat {Our first cat Alex died in the operation to get him neutered} and the second one in the house right now. I’m really worried about the two getting along though. I’ve read all sorts of articles about it and each and everyone says it’s complicated {but doable}. You have to separate them for a couple of days and then when you do introduce them to each other it’s only for a little bit at a time. And you shouldn’t leave them alone together.

They also say that it’s not for the cat but for the owners {I don’t believe that}. I want one yes but I think it would be more for Penny’s benefit. Cats may not be social like dogs but I still think the are social {Plus the vet said it would be better to have two anyway}.

And another {less important} reason is they are so cute! Like the picture below…

Even if you don’t like cats that’s cute. Admit it…

Have any of you had experience getting another animal {even if it’s not cats} and your live in animal being upset? Or were they friends right away?

My Week

Last month {dreadful April, that is} consisted of nothing but rain… every single day but now it’s May {which, if anyone is interested, is also my birthday month yay} and the sun hasn’t quit shinning since day one. I can finally put away the umbrella and take out my shorts.

Quito temperatures are pretty mild and the same all year round {although located right on the equator is 9000 ft above sea level}. The highs are usually about 70 degrees but this week it’s gotten up to the 80’s and I couldn’t be happier. I get to wear shorts, I don’t have to use jackets, I can wear flip flops, and lay out in the sun {with proper sun protection, of course}.

Other amazing things about this week {in general} include possibly adopting a new kitty, getting my phone unlocked, and ice skating on Friday.

How about the rest of you? What are your plans for this week?

City Life

If you missed out on my “about me” page, then I should probably tell you I live in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador. It’s a city of over 2 million people and a little over 9,000 feet above sea level. It’s the 2nd highest capital in the world (right there after La Paz) so the shortage of oxygen up here might be getting to me.

But either way it’s a city. There’s ridiculous traffic, dangerous public transportation, and poverty right out there in the street for all to see, but with all that I still love it.

My whole life I lived in a tiny farm town of Kansas with a population of 1,210 people.

Imagine going from that to a city of 2 million. It’s quite a change. It’s a wonder I didn’t experience culture shock. To be honest had I come here alone I might have experienced it but as it turns out I came here with my husband, Pedro Jose, who has lived here most of his life.

The thing I do often experience, however, is reverse culture shock {didn’t even know that existed? Don’t feel bad I had no idea either}. Going back to the states to visit my family is always weird. Not visiting them exactly but the life style. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just different.

I think it was it was Thoreau who said, “City life is just millions of people being lonesome together”.  It could be true. Sometimes I do miss knowing everyone in town and seeing people on the street and knowing who their kids are. But the truth is if I moved away I would miss the city even more.

And I don’t think it would be just any city but just this one. I love looking out my window and seeing the mountains. I love that the temperature here is always between 60-70 degrees. I love only knowing parts of the city and when I go somewhere new it’s always an adventure. Above all though I love writing in the city.

Okay, so it sounds cliche…and you know what? Maybe it is. Writer in the city trying to make a name for herself but it’s still nice. I love to people watch, nothing gives you better character ideas than people watching. And in a town it’s the same people over and over again but here it’s always someone new.

It makes you wonder who you will see today

Simply Me

"Sherilyn Hill"

Dear WordPress,

Being that this is my first post I want to begin with saying Hello : ) and How are you? In case you’re wondering I’m doing great and if not then let’s move on…

I’ve been blogging for a little over a year now about blogger and just today realized I didn’t like it that much and want to start something new. So here I am with you.

Let me be the first to tell you that I have no specific topic in mind. I hope that’s not a problem.. I can tell you, however, I’m a writer, an avid reader, and a romantic, so you can probably guess what most of the post will be about. I’m not going to fool you, I have little to teach in any of the subjects but I am always full of thoughts on them. I’m also kind of crazy, so if you see a post that’s kind of “out there” don’t worry too much about it.

It’s simply just me. Nothing else. And that’s enough.

So there you have it. Hope you enjoy : ) and if you don’t… well we’ll figure that out later I guess. But either way I’ll be talking to you soon.

